Just popping my head in again. Been VERY busy getting better since four days after I got to San Francisco I broke my left wrist & ring finger. So I'm now finally able to type again both handed even though it sorta is painful....but at this point I'm not caring about that little bit of pain because typing with one hand is more of a pain than typing two handed is! LOL
Still have Hush to give away.....I haven't forgotten about that.....the move just blindsided me too much to be able to get enough responses to really make it a decent giveaway. Those that have entered to win still have enteries....I haven't forgotten about y'all.
Until later my literary pals!!
Oh, yes.....wanted to mention that my friend Gretchen McNeil's book has come out & it looks ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!! You should support her and check it out! The cover alone is enough of a reason to buy it!! ;)